
active voice
The active voice is a structure of English in which the grammatical subject does the action that is represented by the verb. Example: The technician opened the door. (The grammatical subject is the technician. The verb is (to) open.) Refer also to passive voice.
AECMA Simplified English
AECMA Simplified English is the old name for ASD-STE100 Simplified Technical English. In 2005, AECMA Simplified English issue 2 became ASD-STE100 Simplified Technical English issue 3.
ASD-STE100 Simplified Technical English
ASD-STE100 Simplified Technical English is a controlled language for the preparation of maintenance documentation. For an introduction, refer to the TechScribe article ASD-STE100 Simplified Technical English.
ASD-STE100 is the short name for ASD-STE100 Simplified Technical English.
authoring memory (sentence memory)
Authoring memory is software that helps technical writers to write consistently. Source text is stored in a database. When a technical writer writes text that is similar to text in the database, the software supplies the stored text to the technical author. If the stored text is applicable, the technical writer can use it. Refer also to controlled language.
A chunker is software that puts text into a group of one or more words that has a specified part of speech. Refer to
collective noun
A collective noun is a noun that refers to a group of people or things. Examples: audience, class, group, set.
conjoined noun phrase
A conjoined noun phrase is two smaller noun phrases that are joined by and or or.
controlled language
A controlled language is a language that has limits on how grammar and words are used. The function is to make text as clear as possible. Refer also to ASD-STE100 Simplified Technical English.
count noun (countable noun)
A count noun is a a noun that has a plural and that is used with the indefinite article. Refer also to non-count noun.
decompress (extract, unzip)
To decompress a file is to remove the data compression from the file. In Microsoft Windows, use 'Extract All'. As an alternative, use a program, for example, 7-Zip.
demonstrative adjective
A demonstrative adjective is one of the words this, that, these, or those, and which is used as an adjective before a noun.
A disambiguator is software that gives the part of speech that a word has in a particular context. In many languages, a word can have more than one part of speech. For example, in English, the word help is a noun and a verb.
file association
A file association is a relation between a type of file and software that can open this type of file. Refer to
installation directory
The installation directory is the location in which you decompressed LanguageTool. Refer to Install or update the term checker for ASD-STE100.
intransitive verb
An intransitive verb is a verb that has a subject, but no object. Example: The door opens slowly. A verb can be an intransitive verb and a transitive verb.
LanguageTool is open-source software for grammar, style, and spelling checks. Refer to
machine translation (MT, automated translation)
Machine translation is the automatic translation of text using only software without the help of a translator.
mass noun
Refer to non-count noun.
non-count noun (mass noun, uncountable noun)
A non-count noun is noun that cannot be counted. For example, the noun happiness is a non-count noun. An article is not used with a non-count noun. Many nouns are non-count nouns and count nouns (refer to When applicable, use an article or demonstrative adjective before a noun (rule 2.3)).
noun cluster (noun string)
A noun cluster is 2 or more adjacent nouns (and possibly adjectives before the last noun) that are one lexical unit. A noun cluster is not the same as a noun phrase.
noun phrase
A noun phrase is a phrase that has a noun or a pronoun as its head. A noun phrase can be one word or many words. A noun phrase is not the same as a noun cluster because a noun phrase can include adverbs and prepositional phrases.
part of speech (POS)
A part of speech is a category for words that have a particular function. Examples of parts of speech in English are noun, verb, adjective, adverb, and preposition.
passive voice
The passive voice is a structure of English in which a form of the verb (to) be comes before a past participle. Examples:
  • The device will be tested (by the technician).
  • The covers were broken quickly.
  • The sample has been tested.
Refer also to active voice.
past participle
A past participle is the form of a verb that is used after the verb (to) have. Examples:
  • The engineer has sampled the data.
  • The technicians have found a solution to the problem.
  • The accident occurred because the engineer had not tested the device correctly.
Note. The past participle is also used in the passive voice. To prevent tautology, the definition of past participle does not include the passive voice.
phrasal verb
A phrasal verb is a 2-word verb or 3-word verb. Usually, the meaning of the verb is different from the usual meaning of each word in the verb. Usually, the parts of the verb can be separated by a noun. For example, carry out is a phrasal verb. "He carried his job out" means "he did his job".
POS tag
A POS tag is a tag that identifies the possible parts of speech that a word has.
prepositional phrase
A prepositional phrase is a noun phrase that starts with a preposition. Examples: on the table or with two nylon straps.
A rulegroup is a group of rules. Refer to
S1000D is an international specification for the production of technical publications. For English documents, S1000D recommends ASD-STE100. Refer to
sentence memory
Refer to authoring memory.
Simplified English
Refer to AECMA Simplified English.
STE (Simplified Technical English)
Refer to ASD-STE100 Simplified Technical English.
The STEMG is the Simplified Technical English Maintenance Group. Refer to
technical name (TN)
A technical name is a noun or a noun cluster that is not in the ASD-STE100 dictionary, but which is necessary in your documentation. Refer to ASD-STE100 rule 1.5.
technical verb (TV)
A technical verb is a verb that is not in the ASD-STE100 dictionary, but which is necessary in your documentation. Refer to ASD-STE100 rule 1.12.
A term is one or more words that has a specified meaning. The word term means the same as the word word in ASD-STE100. Some of the 'words' in ASD-STE100 are 2 or more words (alphanumeric characters separated by white space). Thus, TechScribe uses the word term.
terminology management
Terminology management is the process of collecting, recording, and maintaining the terms that are used in a particular subject.
testrules is a script in LanguageTool that you can use to make sure that the XML rules that you write are correct. Refer to
"A token is an instance of a sequence of characters in some particular document that are grouped together as a useful semantic unit for processing" ( In LanguageTool, a token is usually equivalent to a word. But, punctuation marks are also tokens.
transitive verb
A transitive verb a verb that has an object. Example: The technician opens the door. A verb can be a transitive verb and an intransitive verb..
uncountable noun
Refer to non-count noun.
XML (Extensible Markup Language)
XML is a markup language that is used for structured documents. Refer to
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